Vibrant Workforce
Key Results and Definition
Actual |
Target |
Results |
Status Indicators for Most Recently Reported Results: On Target | Caution | Below Plan | No Information
Improve the skills and performance of employees through a City-wide training and development program.
Increase annual employee training by 10%
Construct an employee training program to boost engagement, expand knowledge, and foster innovation in the workplace.
374 | 700 | 2023 |
Recruit, hire, and retain the next generation of City employees
Retain 90% of 1st year full-time employees
Implement a talent acquisition plan to recruit, hire, and retain employees
85.90% | 90.00% | 2023 |
Develop a formal plan to advance workplace culture based on survey results and an independent gap analysis.
% of employee survey, evaluation, and plan development completed
Conduct an employee survey to measure engagement, satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.
50.00% | 50.00% | Q2-24 |